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    Fun White House Facts

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    Photo of the White House in Washington D.C

    Here are some interesting facts about the White House. First President to live in the White House John Adams was our second president, but the first president to live in the White House. Before the capital was in New York City and then Philadelphia. George Washington lived in both New York and Philadelphia. Construction The […] More

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    Natural vs. Synthetic Yarns

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    Many colors of yarn

    Take a trip to your local big box craft store, or even a smaller, independently-owned LYS (local yarn shop), and you will find that there is an unbelievably wide range of yarns to choose from. It can be overwhelming! Color, thickness (also called “weight” in yarn lingo), and fiber type are all choices the crafter […] More

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    The Gift: How I learned to Crochet


    Grandmother holding a grandchild

    This article was written by Kelly Valencia-Aiken. It is a personal story of how Kelly’s grandmother teaching of how to crochet. Enter Kelly. I am obsessed. Honestly, it’s more of an addiction. I may even need rehab. In fact, my friends and family should probably stage an intervention on my behalf. I think they would fail miserably, […] More

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    6 Yarn Types to Create a Masterpiece


    knitting with yarn

    Knitting can be quite an enjoyable pastime. If you have the right yarn, it can make for some high quality clothing that is great for seasonal occasions, for fashion, and knitting itself makes for a wonderful hobby. Here are six yarn types that you can use to create fashionable works of art. Sheep Wool The […] More

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    Seven Truths about Being a Mom Entrepreneur

    business, mom entrepreneur

    Do you have what it takes? Being a mom entrepreneur may seem like a heroic task; however, daily we learn about “mompreneurs” around the world who are growing and running their companies as well as raising their children. You can, too. Monica Flores a mother and entrepreneur shares what she has learned as a mom entrepreneur. […] More

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    What to know before you buy Handmade Jewelry

    Handmade Jewelry

    Things to look for when buying handmade jewelry: It is a wonderful thing, buying handmade jewelry. You are contributing to a population that doesn’t mass make items, that is a one of a kind, unique item that is an expression of them and of how you feel. It is made by real people, with a […] More

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    5 Amazing Tips for Interior Design

    interior design hacks and tips

    When most people think of Interior Design, they think HGTV, which means they’re thinking of a complete overhaul of their space and lots of money. Well let me be the bearer of good news, there are quick changes that can really freshen up any space and make it beautiful. All of these fixes can be […] More

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    5 Simple Ways For A New You In 21 Days

    Simple ways for a new you, change your life, change your habits, diet, eating food

    Breaking Bad Habits You Thought Were Good We all have some deeply ingrained truths about nutrition – we know what’s good for us and we know what’s bad. Unfortunately, if those truths are not actually true, we may be hurting ourselves by eating well. As they say in weightlifting “reals over feels.” So hang on, […] More

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