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    7 Myths About Dogs


    A bulldog with a yellow ball. Dogs can see some colors such as yellows, blues, and purples.

    Here are the top myths about dogs. #1 Dogs express emotions on their Face Charles Darwin (yes, that one) tried to prove that animals including dogs had emotion and that we can see them on their faces. However, the evidence didn’t support this idea. We might see photos of dogs smiling or looking happy. Those […] More

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    New iPhone Game Mocks Trump

    She Persisted iPhone iPad App

    What happens if you didn’t vote for president trump? Or you did but your views of him have changed? It’s 4 years until the next presidential election. What do you do? One solution is to make an app. Elliott Killian made a game app about recent political events. She Persisted is not just a movement […] More

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